Winter branches


This win­ter turned out fair­ly mild, to my great delight. (I’m not a tremen­dous fan of the cold, being more of a sum­mer gal.) As I look back over the past few win­ters — all of which involved ice and plen­ty of snow — I came across some pho­tos of the pear trees in my backyard.

It struck me that each branch — though sheathed in snow and ice — showed the promise of spring through the ear­ly buds form­ing on each branch. Nature has a way of work­ing in her own time, as any­one knows who has patient­ly wait­ed for a baby to enter the world, or pre­pared for a dear one to leave.

Birth and death, win­ter and spring. All sea­sons cycling through nature.

As we patient­ly wait for cold to warm, it helps to see the promise of spring held in the form­ing buds of a snow coat­ed tree.

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