Hel­lo! My name is Bar­bara, and I am an ama­teur gar­den­er. Like most gar­dens, mine reflects the wis­doms of many peo­ple I’ve met over the years. From an apart­ment bal­cony to a full back­yard, each gar­den had advice, cut­tings and con­ver­sa­tions from neigh­bors and friends includ­ed in its design and function.

Gar­den­ing gives me peace at the end of a day, joy at the won­der of life spring­ing forth, and com­fort when return­ing home to see the sim­ple beau­ty of nature’s boun­ty sur­round­ing my home. Shar­ing flow­ers, plants and food with oth­ers gives great sat­is­fac­tion — a sim­ple way to share the joy.

Wel­come to my back­yard gar­den. I hope you enjoy your vis­its here, and pick up some tips or ideas for your gar­den. Whether you have a pot or two on the patio, or acres of open space, please vis­it often and share your gar­den, too.



Sunny dahlia
Sun­ny dahlia