Oh my my! This fan­tas­tic basil pesto defines ver­sa­til­i­ty. Use it on pas­ta, freeze it in tra­di­tion­al ice cube trays to use in soups this win­ter, or sim­ply enjoy it on toast­ed French rounds with a nice glass of Chardon­nay or Mer­lot. Lovely.

And, I updat­ed this for a small­er por­tion, a lit­tle lighter taste. Enjoy!

Clas­sic Pesto Recipe

fresh basil from the garden
fresh basil from the garden

1 cup fresh basil leaves, packed

1/4 cup pine nuts

1/2 cup grat­ed or shaved Parme­san cheese*

2 gar­lic cloves

1/2 cup olive oil

*You can sub­sti­tute Asi­a­go or Romano cheese for sharp­er taste.

In a food proces­sor fit­ted with stan­dard blade, com­bine basil, pine nuts, olive oil, and gar­lic. Com­bine in the order list­ed until a thick paste forms. Scrape sides as need­ed. Add the cheese and pulse until blend­ed. Pesto should be the con­sis­ten­cy of a smooth paste. Cov­er and keep refrig­er­at­ed, will last up to five days.

Oth­er variations

If you pre­fer less cheese, scale back to 1/4 cup of cheese and add more nuts (up to a 1/2 cup of nuts, until con­sis­ten­cy is what you like.)

This sug­ges­tion is from Col­in Cowie’s fab­u­lous book Effort­less Ele­gance: “puree oil-cured black olives and extra vir­gin olive oil for a quick and easy ‘pesto.’ ” Anoth­er sug­ges­tion: “Puree arti­choke hearts with gar­lic, pine nuts, and extra vir­gin olive oil.”  (Great book by the way. Every­thing I’ve ever made from it is fabulous!)

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