First flow­ers of the sea­son say “yes! earth is awak­en­ing from her rest!” Each time my heart leaps at all the mir­a­cles which come in this time. Every year.

This year my back gar­den has sun­ny daf­fodil faces rim­ming the gar­den edge, with some helle­bores nes­tled in. Bowls of pan­sies with their sweet faces flank my front porch. I love see­ing their hap­py spir­its raised up to the sun!

And my yard has so many won­der­ful spring plants! Includ­ing so-called “weeds” ‑chick­weed, red and white clover, spring onions, wild vio­lets and dan­de­lions. These “weeds” are also edi­ble! (daf­fodils and helle­bores and the oth­er flow­ers not so much.)

Most of all, spring lifts my spir­it, to remind me that all things begin anew, and beau­ty is so heal­ing. I hope you enjoy the spring — hear the birds call and rejoice, inhale the deli­cious scent of flow­ers, and share the strength of trees.

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