This year, my friend Alli­son and I head­ed to a barn in Edin­burgh, Indi­ana to make hol­i­day wreaths at the  His­toric Hen­ry Breed­ing Farm. The name refers to the fam­i­ly, not the type of farm, as we found out.

The wreath mak­ing class is part of the “Her­itage Arts” pro­gram. And talk about a fan­tas­tic deal! The $10 fee cov­ered all mate­ri­als and instruction.

We learned that red cedar is actu­al­ly juniper, and juniper is actu­al­ly part of the cypress fam­i­ly. While that part may be con­fus­ing, mak­ing the wreaths is sim­ple. We wired two met­al cir­cle frames togeth­er. Then, we cut 6–8 small sprigs of juniper to cre­ate a “bunch. Wire the bunch to the frame, make a new bunch to over­lap, and so on, until the you com­plete the circle.

Some peo­ple opt­ed for thin wreaths, oth­ers for full and heavy wreaths. Alli­son and I both opt­ed for the full wreaths. We added some rib­bons and two types of pine cones to ours. A few peo­ple brought lav­ish orna­ments and rib­bons of their own to add. Beautiful!

All that remained was to take them home, hang them on a nail, occa­sion­al­ly mist with water and enjoy!

Two Christmas wreaths

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