I am now offi­cial­ly a farmer! Well, a back yard farmer, at least. Our town has an excit­ing group called 15Thousand Farm­ers, whose goal is “grow­ing com­mu­ni­ty through neigh­bor­hood-based, sus­tain­able grow­ing”. Its a very cool idea. Here is their vision:

The Vision:
15Thousand Farm­ers helps cre­ate, empow­er, and inspire 15,000 new, sus­tain­able, neigh­bor­hood backyard/front yard farm­ers in Louisville, KY to feed their fam­i­lies and them­selves and to give away! How? By using sim­ple and easy instruc­tions, check­lists and mate­ri­als and ongo­ing sup­port pro­vid­ed through local grow­ers and resources that will pro­vide every­thing need­ed to start grow­ing food in our yards, on decks or in com­mu­ni­ty gardens.

Since “Bar­b’s Gar­den” this year scaled to an addi­tion­al 28′ by 16′ in size, this orga­ni­za­tion crossed my path at a great time. I learned of the group through Art in the Arbor, a local art fes­ti­val. Of course, I signed up imme­di­ate­ly an got my offi­cial Dirt Card, which also gives me some cool discounts.

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