Today the beau­ti­ful pear tree in my front yard cracked into three pieces. Very sad ‑it pro­vid­ed many hours of plea­sure & shade. So far, in the back­yard, one pear tree limb cracked off, but the rest of the tree looks okay. We will cut the branch­es as best we can today, wait until a thaw to remove the stump and most like­ly save the branch­es for firewood.

When the branch­es cracked under the weight, the sound was incred­i­ble. I thought there had been a major col­li­sion in front of my home! But no, it was the tree splin­ter­ing. It was, to say the least, and impres­sive amount of noise. But the sec­ond and third time I knew what it meant, and it sad­dened me to hear the tree dying from the storm.

Here are some pic­tures of the tree through­out the day:

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