Bring­ing the fam­i­ly and friends togeth­er on a crisp autumn eve has a mem­o­ry mak­ing poten­tial few expe­ri­ences can beat. My good friend (and gar­den guru), Carter, devel­oped this recipe for an autumn evening around the back­yard fire-pit.

So, fire up the fire-pit and gath­er round to toast marsh­mal­lows with an unbe­liev­able berry sauce. An added touch — if you have the plea­sure of grow­ing black­ber­ry or rasp­ber­ry vines in your back­yard — add a cou­ple of the pruned vines to the fire. They add a sparkle to the blaze that’s added beauty.

Like all great “gath­er round the fire” expe­ri­ences, some parts are best left to the adults, oth­ers to the kids. Here is the part for grown-ups:

Adult Part

2 cups smashed fruit (Black or Red Rasp­ber­ries, Straw­ber­ries, Blue­ber­ries, Peach­es, Apri­cots, or Grapes) (Jel­lies or Jams can be substituted)

1/3 cup Brandy, Bour­bon, or Cognac (don’t wor­ry, alco­hol will evap­o­rate, leav­ing just the flavor)

Dump ingre­di­ents into a sauce pan and reduce until thickened.

Strain if desired„„depends on if you like pulp or not.

Pour into a Gravy Bowl or set the sauce pan (fon­due pot if you have one) next to the fire pit. (Keep sauce warm)

Build the fire and let reduce almost to coals

Now comes the fun part — bring the kids togeth­er and let them toast the marshmallows:

Spear and toast 2 marsh­mal­lows per stick.

Dip in or ladle over the toast­ed Marshmallows.

Remove marsh­mal­lows with your fin­gers and eat.
Side note: you might want to keep some han­di wipes or some type of moist tow­el handy to help with sticky hands.

Repeat and enjoy for a tasty treat and a mem­o­ry to last for years.


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