Wild turkey standing in the road
Wild turkey stand­ing in the road

On the way to pay anoth­er vis­it to Mike & Kathy’s back­yard, we drove near a lake in south­west­ern Indi­ana and came across these beau­ti­ful wild turkeys. I’d nev­er seen any before. They are very large, and incred­i­bly grace­ful in flight. No won­der Ben Franklin chose them as his pick for the nation­al bird.

This group had three birds. Lat­er, we saw a larg­er flock of about ten or twelve turkeys.

We took this pho­to of the largest one from the first group.  As we got clos­er it led the oth­er two in flight to the near­est (safe) tree.

Mike said they were vir­tu­al­ly extinct around here a few years ago, but a local group of vol­un­teers worked to bring them back. And they have.

Through a hand­ful of vol­un­teers, and a “hatch and release” pro­gram, the birds are no longer on an endan­gered list. And they are beau­ti­ful to watch. The group is the Nation­al Wild Turkey Fed­er­a­tion.

Same turkey, flying to the nearest tree.
Same turkey, fly­ing to the near­est tree.

It’s a fun­ny thing. Gar­dens — whether the kind we grow in our back­yard, or the larg­er and more nat­ur­al ver­sions in the wild, attract so many crea­tures. Near my back­yard, we have two flocks of geese that fly over every day. Here, there are wild turkeys, white herons and cranes.


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