
Since it is time to plant and ready our gar­dens for the com­ing sum­mer boun­ty, it came to mind that some earth friend­ly gar­den­ing makes for a great way to cel­e­brate Earth Day! Last year I sug­gest­ed a few things to help our strug­gling bees and monarch but­ter­flies here. This year, some “weed and insect con­trol” tips:

  • Got mos­qui­toes? Plant a lot of laven­der, basil or marigolds to repel them from your patio. Many peo­ple also swear by mints — espe­cial­ly pep­per­mint. Watch out, though. Mints usu­al­ly go crazy and take over a gar­den in a flash. Per­haps some pot­ted plants around the patio will do.
  • Lady­bugs love to munch on aphids. Did you know most nurs­eries car­ry them? Release them at dusk in your gar­den area that aphids show up, and every­one but the aphids will be happy.
  • Dan­de­lion leaves make for great addi­tions sal­ads. Like arugu­la, the leaves have a bite to them, and packed with nutri­ents. Just make sure no pes­ti­cides or her­bi­cides have land­ed on them.
  • White vine­gar! If grass­es or oth­er veg­e­ta­tion begins sprout­ing up in cracks on your side­walks or dri­ve­way, con­sid­er using a 50/50 mix of plain old white vine­gar. It won’t harm the bees and is much cheap­er than the chem­i­cal sprays sold at nurs­eries. If the weeds hang in, sim­ply up the ratio of vine­gar. Why use a prod­uct with cau­tion labels and poi­son warn­ings if you don’t have to?
  • Plant LOTS of flow­ers! Not only will you enjoy the love­ly view, the birds and bees will to!

Hap­py Earth Day!

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