Books, tips and garden “how-to”

Much of the garden knowledge I've gained came from some wonderful books. Lots of people ask me about them, so I added a new section at for these recommendations, cleverly titled Books, gadgets & great stuff. The first book on my list is a classic. Carrots love tomatoes. First published in the 70's, I've been referring to it for about as long. What makes it so special? How easily it teaches the concept of companion planting. That means: certain plants, like good friends, when planted near each other, help each other. For example: planting carrots near leeks and onions helps repel the dreaded carrot fly, onion fly AND the leek moth! Good for both the carrot & the leek! Not to mention how much you will enjoy a delicious veggie soup with carrots & leeks come harvest time. To be direct: most of them bring a small commission to me to help defray the costs of this blog. Just click...
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Tips for saving cash on organic compost and manure

Tips for saving cash on organic compost and manure

If you prefer to purchase bags of soil and manure: here's a tip for saving money. Walk past the brightly colored bags of brand names in the front of the store or garden center and head to the back rows. The brand names will tout "organic soil", "organic garden soil" and such. But, the bags in the back will be rich and organic as well. And a whole lot cheaper. (more…)...
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