If you want to learn by read­ing, or maybe enjoy some fab­u­lous gar­den gad­gets, you’ve come to the right place!

Com­pan­ion plant­i­ng may be the tick­et to stronger plants and few­er pests!  I’ve loved this book since the 1970’s. Updat­ed and still rel­e­vant, this easy guide steps the read­er through the “how to’s” of com­pan­ion plant­i­ng. By plant­i­ng cer­tain plants togeth­er, both may ben­e­fit by keep­ing harm­ful pests away. Car­rots love toma­toes. Ros­es love gar­lic. Sim­ple! As the for­ward men­tions: “All through this book you will find what to ‘grow with’ and ‘what not to grow with.’ Both are equal­ly impor­tant to gar­den­ing success.”



Cut flow­ers from your gar­den add so much to any home. This book is filled with hard won lessons on plant­i­ng gor­geous flow­ers, and has an empha­sis on sequen­tial gar­den­ing to har­vest flow­ers through­out many sea­sons. Stun­ning pho­tog­ra­phy and beau­ti­ful flow­ers make this book a keeper.





For any­one want­i­ng a 1–2‑3 “how to” recipe for cre­at­ing stun­ning flower arrange­ments, you may want to add this one to your library. This book has a straight for­ward, step by step, guide for cre­at­ing gor­geous arrange­ments. Tools, flower index, and tox­i­c­i­ty guide (for pet lovers) are all includ­ed. Pho­tos show how to do each step, and there is a won­der­ful sec­tion on using ves­sels you may already have, but nev­er con­sid­ered for flo­ral arrange­ments! Love.



Sim­i­lar in style and tone to Flo­ret Flow­ers’ book, this sim­ple-to-fol­low-along guide to craft­ing beau­ti­ful arrange­ments is so much fun to read and look at! One thing I have learned from both: what flower frog pin­cush­ions are! And to my great delight, my late moth­er had sev­er­al squir­reled away in the base­ment. Very handy as I apply the lessons from these two books.





 This book has served me well with incred­i­ble ideas and great recipes. Pub­lished before he became an Oprah favorite (1996), it is one of my sta­ple “go to” ref­er­ences. Great pho­tog­ra­phy and  themed party/gathering ideas and (most­ly) easy to pre­pare food. Always inspired by Col­in Cowie!

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