Few things take the edge off of a chilly win­ter morn­ing like the com­pan­ion­ship of good friends. When my back­yard seems devoid of life, I share time with my friends Chester and Shad­ow inside as we patient­ly wait for spring.

These boys wan­dered into my life a few years ago, just as autumn drew to a close, and have added so much to my home and my life. They rejoice at watch­ing the yard and crea­tures in it from the win­dows and doors, track­ing move­ments and activ­i­ty through­out the day.

Plen­ty of cats and dogs would eager­ly join a friend­ly fam­i­ly if giv­en a chance. Have you checked your local shel­ter to see if one is wait­ing for you? Many cities have an active No Kill move­ment ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing pets in need of a home. We have a strong (and grow­ing) net­work here — the No Kill Louisville group has saved count­less souls & brought joy to many fam­i­lies with their new pets.

In this sea­son of rest and renew­al, wait­ing for the new life of spring — please con­sid­er sav­ing a shel­ter ani­mal if you are con­sid­er­ing open­ing your home to a new pet.

P.S. For those of you look­ing for a “pure bred” — shel­ters have many breeds (includ­ing mutts of course!), at far less than a breed­er would charge. And con­sid­er the grat­i­tude a shel­ter pet will have in their heart. : )

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