2016-05-30 19.49.44Every year when I look out and see clover in my yard, my heart leaps with the hap­pi­ness of see­ing an old friend. I absolute­ly love the stuff. Why on earth any­one would want to kill it off with her­bi­cide goes beyond my com­pre­hen­sion! Here are just a few of the things I love about it:

  1. White clover attracts ben­e­fi­cial insects, and nat­u­ral­ly con­trols bug pop­u­la­tions. As a gar­den­er, this means a lot. White­flies? Watch out! White clover attracts par­a­sitic wasps (the itty bit­ty kind, not the big nest build­ing kind) and bees. Bees pol­li­nate veg­eta­bles, fruits and flow­ers. Unless you are aller­gic to them, wel­come them to your gar­dens for much greater abundance!
  2. Beau­ti­ful to look at, white clover also smells good!
  3. Rab­bits absolute­ly LOVE to eat white clover. Last week I looked out to my gar­den to see a rab­bit, with his back turned to my gar­den, hap­pi­ly munch­ing on the adja­cent patch of clover. Made us both happy!
  4. Clover adds nitro­gen to soil, and that means a free, organ­ic fer­til­iz­er. Not only that, but it does not require me to do anything!
  5. Clover makes great neck­laces, jump ropes and bracelets for kids. Any one else remem­ber hours of pick­ing clover in the sum­mer and tying their stems togeth­er for a necklace?
  6. Once and awhile, the four leaf clover pass­es my path, and occa­sion­al­ly just when it means the most. Years ago my youngest nephew’s base­ball team lost a close game in the finals. Dev­as­tat­ed, he mourn­ful­ly recount­ed the details and asked if he would win a cham­pi­onship like his broth­er? Fate smiled on me that day, as I looked down and saw a four leaf clover to pick and give to him as reassurance.
  7. Hon­ey from the flow­ers tastes heavenly.
  8. It is soft to walk on. Care­ful to watch for bees — the car­pet and cush­ion of clover is so com­fort­able to walk on, your yard will be a joy to pad around in.

2016-05-30 20.02.19


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